Product Description
IN7-W - Turf-Tec Heavy Duty Double Ring Infiltration Rings 6 and 12 inch diameter by 4 inches tall
The new Turf-Tec Heavy Duty Infiltration Rings allow the field testing of soil infiltration rates quickly and easily with minimal amounts of time and water. These Turf-Tec Heavy Duty Infiltration Rings are designed to be inserted into the soil to a depth of two inches deep and then the rings are filled with water. The drop in water in the center ring is then measured over time to determine the rate of infiltration. These rings are made out of heavier gauge steel for rocky or hard soil types. These Infiltration rings are constructed of heavy duty 16 Gauge (.065 inch) galvanized steel to prevent rust and insure a long life. This tool is ideal for geotechnical students as well as anyone who wants to take a quick double ring infiltration test. They have a 6 inch inner ring and a 12 inch outer ring with a 4 inch height. A gripped rubber handle is attached to allow easy insertion into the soil. |
Check Infiltration on:
Determine infiltration rate in a little as fifteen minutes* Now, for the first time, a field instrument to measure the rate of water infiltration on all types of areas. This instrument determines the downward flow of water through the soil. The rings are centered by the welded handle on the top of the unit; this insures the rings stay in place while driving them into the soil. The Turf-Tec Heavy Duty Infiltration Rings are a useful and necessary instrument. It is now possible to monitor how slow or fast rain or irrigation water moves into the soil. An excellent tool for engineers, earth science and forestry students. *15 minute test does not take into account getting soil to saturation. For a 15 minute test a moisture sensor should be used to qualify soil moisture.
IN7-W Shown with optional IN6-W driving plate |
IN7-W - Turf-Tec Heavy Duty Infiltration Rings 6 and 12 inch Click here to download instruction manual New 2018!!! Now included in California's 2nd Nature’s Best Management Practices Rapid |
Click here to download Turf-Tec International's free Excel spreadsheet for IN7-W, IN8-W and IN8P-W - 6 and 12 inch Infiltration Rings infiltration test |